West Bay - Tide Times
Bridport Harbour, UK
Harbour Technical Details
Slipways and Moorings
The small public slipway for boat access at the eastern end of the old harbour is now closed. A new 10 metre wide slipway has been constructed at the south-western end (The Mound) feeding into the new marina with a trailer park nearby. Details of access can be obtained from the West Bay Harbour Master’s Office.
Visiting fishing boats and commercial vessels can berth by the East Pier, while leisure craft should berth by the Jurassic Pier or the pontoon jetty.
There is normally a 0.75 metre depth of water in the outer marina at all tide states, allowing for a sand bar which can build up across the harbour entrance. The marina (outer harbour) and harbour entrance are dredged annually at around the Vernal (Spring) Equinox (21st March) to maintain an adequate depth. All slipway facilities are unavailable to pleasure craft for a period of approximately seven days during this time.
West Bay Harbour Master’s Office
The Mound
Telephone no. +44 (0)1308 423222
VHF Marine Channels 16 & 11 (Listen & Work)
Channel 16 (156.800 MHz)
Mode: simplex / Assignment: distress/safety/calling
Channel 11 (156.550 MHz)
Mode: simplex / Assignment: port operations
Speed Limit in harbour and entrance = 8 knots
H.M. Coastguard (West Bay Division)
An H.M. Coastguard rescue team operates from West Bay
3 George Street
To summon their help in an emergency distress situation, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard, or use Marine Channel 16
Portland Coastguard transmits weather reports and general information for the Lyme Bay area on Channel 86 (161.925 MHz)
Basic Safety
We have a rescue service that is second to none! H.M. Coastguard, R.N.L.I., etc. But don’t be complacent and finish up putting them to the test! When putting to sea carry lifejackets, flares and a two-way V.H.F. marine radio. A mobile phone is not a reliable form of communication at sea. Ensure your craft is fitted with a kill cord, is properly maintained, seaworthy and that you have sufficient fuel on board to complete your journey.
Marine Information
Stepgauge Data (Harbour) | Directional Waverider Buoy
Supplied by University of Southampton
West Bay Tides - Port 29 | Admiralty Tide Prediction - Bridport Harbour
Supplied by BBC Weather / Hydrographic Office